Chicco Keyfit 30 Infant Car Seat and Base

I have been checking out the Chicco Keyfit 30 and am pleased to say that I was very pleasantly surprised by it. As far as child car seats go  it is relatively inexpensive, so if I’m honest I should probably say I looked at it with less than open eyes. Having said that however,  I couldn’t believe how good it was for the price.

When you combine this with some of the other items that Chicco make like the stroller then you could get yourself some great deals. This particular car seat comes with the detachable base which gives you a certain amount of flexibility when it comes to upgrading, in that you only need to buy the seat top should you want to upgrade.

There are two downsides to this that I can see. One is that it ties you into buying Chicco seats when you do upgrade, and two, you have to make sure that the seat you buy will be compatible with your base. At the moment, that isn’t too much of a problem, but who knows whether that will still be the case in a couple of years time. That said, even if you do have to buy a new base, it will still work out cheaper than most comparable child car seats, so either way, you don’t really have a lot to lose.

Specifications for Chicco Keyfit 30

  •  5 point harness
  • Inserts for newborns upto 11 pounds toincrease protection
  • EPS energy absorbing foam
  • Adjustable head support
  • Comes with Latch anchor
Base Unit For Chicco Keyfit 30
When fitting the base unit, it is fitted with a bubble level. This is actually very handy, because it allows you to set up the base level and leave it. A genuine set and forget if you will.
The beauty of having a separate base comes into it’s own if you are a two car family, because by buying two bases, but only one seat you can switch between cars very easily if you need to.Of course you don’t have to have separate bases, because the base itself is not too difficult to remove from the car and set up in a new car. However, personally, I prefer to have a seat fixed in place in the car that I can remove if I have to but I generally won’t. So using the two base option would be pretty neat.

Chicco is a brand that has been around since 1958, so like other well known brands such as Graco and Britax, you can be reassured that their quality is one of the reasons that they continue to be market leaders in the world of child car seats and related child products.

Overall, this car seat offers excellent value for money with some good options as part of the package. It is available in several different funky colors, some of which seem to totally transform the look of the seat which gives you some great extra options.

This, allied to it’s other features means that the Chicco Keyfit 30 deserves it’s place as one of the market leaders.

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